Saturday, October 29, 2016

Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part A

· I love how fantastical this all is.

· I think that one of the skillful things about his writing is the specificity. I’m thinking of the orange marmalade specifically. I should try to emulate that.

· I love this dialogue, and the interjections by the narrator appealing to the reader to consider what he is saying. Once again, I’d love to write like that.

· I also like his repetition of ideas. “either the locks were too large, or the key was too small”

· I also like how he states the obvious. She’s a little girl who know that if you hold a red-hot poker too long it will burn you, and things of that sort.

· He also states the obvious in very subdued terms. Things marked ‘poison’ are almost certain to disagree with you.

· Ooh I also enjoy how she talks to herself. It adds character to the whole thing.

· Once again, humor in the obvious: “there’s no sort of use in knocking . . . because I’m on the same side of the door as you are.”

· I didn’t know that there was also a Duchess who was bad, in addition to the Queen.

· I like the idea of incorporating rhymes into my story. He does that well.

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