Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introduction to a Math Major Who is Going to Use That as an Excuse to be Bad at Titles but that's OK and Everything is Fine

Well, hello! My name is Maria, and I am a junior Math major here at OU. I’m also getting a Computer Science minor, and will probably end up doing something with programming as a career. One of the ideas listed for something to talk about is what is the coolest thing about your major, but everyone knows that everything about math is cool and wonderful, so it hardly seems necessary.

I’m from Pennsylvania, but I love being at OU where I’ve met delightful people, enjoyed the sunshine, and started using the word “y’all” even though I promised myself I wouldn’t. One of the primary places that I’ve met people is through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, which is a campus organization that I’m involved with. (It’s awesome!)

In spite of being a math nerd, I love to read. My favorite genre is fantasy (think Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia), but another good rule of thumb is that if you hand me something written by a dead British person I’ll probably enjoy it. Classic authors like Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters are lovely.

(No attribution required.  Source: Pexels)

I can’t stand fish, listen to folksy hipster music even though I’m mainstream in every other way, and dance around my apartment when I’m home alone.

I had a busy, draining, and fulfilling summer this past year. I worked as a counselor at a little camp in Pennsylvania called Seneca Hills Bible Camp. Accordingly, I have had an unusual number of battles with pool noodle swords, gone down a slip-n-slide while covered in mashed potatoes (that was a weird day), and intentionally put peanut butter all over my armpit multiple times within the past few months. I also was given opportunities (that I don’t deserve) to show love to kids that don’t often receive love without strings attached, and to listen to their stories, and cry for their brokenness.
So that’s me! I’m a bit sporadic, definitely nerdy, usually joyful, and pleased for a chance to meet you.


  1. Hey Maria! I'm glad you're having a blast at OU. I'm also out-of-state, so I know what it's like to break promises about saying y'all. I'm actually a math major too, but CS is #1 for me.

    I also like to read quite a bit, but I've sort of taken a turn into the world of nonfiction because I haven't found a lot of good fiction to read recently. Have you any recommendations?

    1. Oooh excellent choice of majors. Do you mean any recommendations about fiction or about nonfiction?

  2. Hello, Maria! When coming to college, I was an accounting major. However, after talking to a few advisers, I settled on Information Studies. One of my advisers, suggested having a Math minor since I displayed my liking to math. After looking at the requirements, however, I realized that I liked math, but not that much. I am happy that you like it so far though. It is awesome that you have a computer science minor too!

    I also dislike fish. The texture of the skin especially tastes the worst to me. It tastes like rubber, and it has a weird taste to it.

  3. Math and computer programming are one of the many "roads not taken" in my life, Maria: I started out as a math major in college, but when I was also enrolled in a Russian class (that was the foreign language that the math department recommended), I was hooked... and I've been studying foreign languages and literatures ever since, but I still love math! And we also have fantasy literature in common. I loved LotR and Narnia when I was little... and I am jealous of the children who get to grow up with fantasy novels like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, which I guess is my favorite fantasy series of all time. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the combinatorial power of mix-and-match storytelling, and I am curious to see what kinds of stories will get your attention this semester! :-)

  4. Ha, first off, I loved your title. I’m a Professional Writing major and still really hate titles, so at least you have an excuse. (Which you kind of don’t need, since this one was pretty great, but whatever.) It sounds like you definitely had an adventure at camp over the summer—I’m definitely intrigued about the Very Weird Day and the peanut butter deodorant now, haha. I generally don’t get much out of a lot of the classics, just because they usually don’t contain many of the elements I read for, but I read Jane Eyre for class over the summer and ended up genuinely loving it. Jane’s perspective kept things fresh and engaging, and her back-and-forth with Rochester was the best.

    Enjoy the rest of your semester!

  5. Hi Maria! Being in Gaylord, I don’t really meet a lot of math majors too often! That’s so interesting. I absolutely love the Chronicles of Narnia. You’re a lot like my sister- she loves Jane Austen and the Lord of the Rings. It sounds like you’re good with kids! Unfortunately, I’m not at all so I really admire you for that. I’m glad I got to read a little bit about you and am excited to read more of your posts in the future!

  6. Maria, it's nice to meet you. I liked your title immediately because I am not necessarily the most creative either. In addition, I am also a fan of fantasy genre so I think that's cool. Also it is neat that you're good with goods because I can't always say the same. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your posts.

  7. Maria! I'm obsessed with your title, it grabbed my attention right from the start! The fact that you are good at math and enjoy doing so is intriguing to me, considering that I am a Gaylord student. While I don't understand basic math, I do love the Chronicles of Narnia.

    I too was a summer camp counselor and received the privilege to love on kids. Listening to a child's heart's cry is an experience like no other, I'm glad you've gotten to experience that firsthand. Thank you for sharing, looking forward to reading more of your stories!

  8. Hi Maria!
    I am also from out of state! I’m from the suburbs of Chicago and I have tried to tone down my “a’s” as much as possible when I talk. I feel you on the y’all. I just feel like it sounds a lot harsher to say “you guys”. Anyways, I think we all have some type of nerd in us… I am definitely not a math person but I love reading and watching strange documentaries about things I would have never known about before. I might be more just plain weird than nerdy but we all have our quirks! I hope you enjoy your junior year!

  9. I'm glad you like math. lol I always tell people that the reason I chose my major was specifically cause it was the one type of science that doesn't require the use of math. It's just never been my forte. I've never read the lord of the rings (although I've seen the movies) but I love the chronicles of narnia. That series hit me hard when I was a kid (especially the ending) and our book are so worn out and water damaged because I read them again and again and sometimes while taking a bath. Eight year olds probably shouldn't be allowed to read in the bath. You sound like you had an awful fun summer and I hope the school year continues to be kind to you.

  10. Maria, your introduction has me laughing out loud. I love how witty and humble you are at the same time. Embrace the habit of saying "y'all" dad's family is from Maryland and they say the love when I say it (even though they continue to make fun of me). We are totally opposites in the fact that I am absolutely horrible at math and I fear technology. I had to take a computer class last summer where I had to code my own website and I thought it was going to be the death of me. On the other hand I am a total nerd too and I love to read. I am looking forward to getting to know you better through reading some of your stories!

  11. Hi Maria! I can tell you are a funny person just by your title! I'm bad at math and choosing titles, so there's that. I have a friend here who is also from Pennsylvania and a sister in law as well, and I hear it's a pretty great place. I've never been, but I hope to go one day and get a philly cheese steak! Nice to meet you!

  12. Nice to meet you, Maria! I loved your introduction; I actually laughed at it! I am a PR major and I am still really bad at titles. People who are actually good at titles kind of stress me out because clearly they have their lives together and we do not. I look forward to reading more of your work!

  13. Hello! It's very nice to meet you (finally!). Your field of study sounds super interesting, but super challenging too. I took computer science classes when I was in high school and I absolutely LOVED them. I wanted to study that so badly back then, but I don't like math so that would not have worked, haha! I am totally with you on your book choices, especially the British authors. I have been obsessed as of late with everything British: their literature, the royal family, the culture. I love it all!

  14. Hi Maria! I can’t believe I haven’t visited your blog yet. I seriously cracked up at you riding down a slip-n-slide while covered in mashed potatoes. I have to do that one-day, it sounds so fun. Also, wow, Pennsylvania is far! I’m from Texas and I get homesick even though I am like three hours away. Hope you have had an incredible semester, good luck with finals! ☺
