Friday, August 26, 2016

My Storybook Favorites

The first storybook that stood out to me (and definitely my favorite of all the ones that I saw) is Young Jamie and the Tasks of Titania.  This storybook is about a boy in a village plagued by the Fae (troublesome creatures of Irish mythology.)  I think one of the intriguing things about this is that everyone has heard of fairies, giants, and the like, but I personally don't know any specific myths that are similar to his storyline.  That means I legitimately have no idea what is going to happen, which is exciting.  I also liked the fact that the story was written in third person, in legible font with a bright background.
Painting by John Bauer

A second storybook that I liked was The Rise of King Arthur.  The title does a very good job of telling me what the topic of the story will be, and once again it's something that I know of but am not intimately familiar with, and am therefore intrigued by.  The introduction jumped right into the story in order to pull in a reader, and used third person, which I prefer, and descriptive language.  It did a good job of making a reader want to read more.  Normally I think I prefer a brighter looking website (this one has a black background,) but as the first line of the introduction describes a stormy sea it seems appropriate in this case.

A third storybook that I enjoyed was The Towers That Be.  This storybook has the idea of telling stories from the perspectives of the towers that housed various princesses.  It jumped right into the story in the introduction, with the narrating tower getting worried about the reader possibly possessing paint cans, which was fun.  I liked how the style was not formal at all, but was rather a running stream of consciousness monologue.  It gave the stories personality.  This page was also very bright, which just feels more welcoming and pleasant.

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